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AcuDetox/AcuWellness for Stress, Trauma & Addiction

AcuDetox/AcuWellness, Auricular Acupuncture Detoxification, is a specific acupuncture protocol that is used after trauma to reduce mental health symptoms such as anxiety & depression, or sleep problems, stress, PTSD, trauma and to support general well-being. AcuDetox is used as a crisis intervention treatment following disasters world-wide to prevent PTSD and to support resilience. The NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol involves the placement of 5 sterile needles in each ear, which are retained for approximately 20-40 minutes. For more information & research: www.acudetox.com For more information & Consentform: www.naturalhighs.org Avani G. Dilger, LPC, CAS, ADS, AcuDetox Specialist, 303-859-5778 For more info & research on AcuDetox/AcuWellness: www.acudetox.com

Made Life, 2691 30th Street. Boulder, Colorado

Disability Accomodations

  • Wheelchair access

Wednesday , 05:30 pm EST - Thursday , 06:30 pm EST